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We foster an impact culture
within business

so that everyone develops the agency to drive change from within

We believe that people – not process– drive change.

Truth is we, human beings, are extraordinarily resistant to change.

70% of change programs fail due to employee resistance & a lack of management support.

We’ve experienced that companies have robust transformation strategies and processes, but they struggle to put them into action. Social innovation can help.

How social innovation will accelerate your transformation. 

Center Strategy on Positive Impact

Define your north star and challenge your impact strategies with forward thinking social entrepreneurs.

Cultivate Purpose-Driven Talent

Build communities of purpose-driven leaders & employees who want to drive change from within.

Embed Resilience Into Operations

Experiment with new operating models and co-create with experts on complex social and environmental issues.

Lead Systemic Change in Your Industry

Harness multistakeholder collaborations to multiply impact at a systems level.

We see a map of solutions to most complex societal challenges

“Sustainable transformation requires to deeply change paradigms. Good news is solutions are already experimented by thousands of social entrepreneurs across the globe.”

Arnaud MourotAshoka VP Corporate Alliances

Meet the makers of an equitable and regenerative economy

Nicole Rycroft
Sustainable Sourcing

Every year, 3.2 billion trees are cut down to make paper packaging or cellulosic fabrics. Committed to conserving these ecosystems, Nicole Rycroft founded Canopy to work collectively with some of the world’s largest fashion, food & beverage, and beauty brands, to bring low-carbon, forest-saving alternatives from the margins to the mainstream.

Arnoud Raskin
Leadership Skills

Observing that 90% of street kids that go in a shelter drop out after 2 days, Arnoud is revolutionizing assistance to street kids to multiply their chances of successfully reintegrating into society. He directs StreetwiZe, which develops high-impact learning products for companies, inspired by the complex and competitive reality of street communities.

Gemma Galdon
Tech & Humanity

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly making decisions that affect the most important aspects of our lives. This sparked Gemma to found Eticas, which uses algorithmic audits to embed fairness and equity into AI. This ensures technology does not replicate the biases and injustices present in real-life decision-making tools.

Sriram Kuchimanchi
Sustainable Supply Chain

By using data science to help companies in the real estate sector adopt environmentally-friendly innovations, Sriram is reshaping businesses with his enterprise Smarter Dharma to cater to the growing consumer demand for socially and environmentally sustainable choices.

Riccarda Zezza
Talent Development

With Lifeed, Riccarda is revolutionizing corporate training by partnering with companies’ learning and development programs to redefine parental leave as a period of intense, valuable learning and professional growth. Lifeed promotes a continuous learning method that creates work-life synergy, generating wellbeing, engagement and professional efficacy.

Melanie MarcelMulti-Stakeholder Collaborations

Melanie founded SoSceinces, an organization harnessing the power of science and technology to generate positive impacts for the people and the planet. SoScience creates partnerships between scientists and social entrepreneurs to collaborate and tackle social and environmental issues.