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We are architects of a cultural shift within business

Changemaker Companies is a social innovation lab incepted by Ashoka to accelerate the rise of an inclusive & regenerative economy. We are on a mission to create a business culture where everyone is a changemaker. A culture where creating positive societal impact through business is the new norm.

Our Vision

We envision a world where societal impact is the ultimate driver of economy. In this world, it is everyone’s business ​to build an equitable & regenerative society, and tackling social & environmental issues through core business is the new norm. 

Our Purpose

We believe people – not process – drive change. We are here to create a corporate culture where generating societal impact through business is the ultimate compass ​and everyone has the agency to propel change. 

Our Mission

We leverage social innovation to trigger a mindset shift within the corporate sector and grow a movement of bold changemakers redefining the purpose of business to build an equitable & regenerative economy. 

Christian Boehringer

Shareholder – Boehringer Ingelheim

“Looking through the lens of Ashoka’s social entrepreneurs means anticipating market changes for the good of all.”

What business leaders are saying

Jean de Villèle

Deputy General Manager: Human Resources & Work Environment – KLESIA

"Partnering with Changemaker Companies helps trigger an individual and collective shift within the organization. How? By working hand-in-hand with social entrepreneurs, employees develop skills like empathy, teamwork, multistakeholder collaboration."